Kelii William Ioane Legacy Foundation

“In order for the forest to be green the trees have to be green.
In order for the village to be prosperous, the villager has to heal.”

Mission Statement

To honor and perpetuate the legacy of Kelii William Ioane Jr, known as “Skippy Ioane” which includes the Malama Ka Aina Hana Ka Aina Association (M.A.H.A Inc.), the Keaukaha Makahiki Ceremony, the promotion of Hawaiian Nationalism and the kanaka spiritual attunement with ʻĀina.

Malama Ka Aina Hana Ka Aina Inc. (M.A.H.A) is an alternative development model of subsistence lifestyle living created to address the waiting list issues of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands. The Kelii William Ioane Legacy foundation’s mission is to ensure the prosperity of  M.A.H.A.

The Kelii William Ioane Legacy foundation’s mission is to also ensure the perpetuation of the Keaukaha Makahiki Ceremony including the preparation of the neighboring schools and community associations for their participation in the annual Makahiki ceremony.

The foundation’s focus is to establish practices that reconnect the kanaka with the ʻāina by preserving and protecting the cultural, historical, and archeological heritage and life of King’s Landing, Lehia and Puʻumaile Park as well as provide proper management protocols of land and water resources in these areas in order to sustain future growth. 

The foundation’s mission is to promote Hawaiian nationalism by understanding the lyrical scriptures of Kelii William Ioane Jr.  and by the creation of an educational curriculum that historically tells the political, social and cultural history of the Hawaiian Kingdom and its subjects.

My Papa, is a community leader.

He follows his naʻau. He occupied the ʻāina of Kingʻs Landing and resurrected the Kauhale community.

My Papa is a philosopher. 

 Linguistically composing and educating the truth.

My Papa is a healer.

He advocates for and strives to heal the wailua of our lāhui.

My Papa is a poet.

His music has inspired the next generation leaders that will continue to claim our sacred spaces and ancestral knowledge.  

My Papa is my chief. 

He sees the beauty and magic of mama ʻāina. 

His bravery raised us, my siblings and I, in the ʻāina of Kingʻs Landing, and gifted to our spirits our lineal relationship and connection to ʻāina.

To my Papa, thank you.

Because of you, I see ʻāina, because of you, I am brave.

I mua ka Lāhui Hawaiʻi.

- ʻĀinaaloha W. Ioane